Sunday, January 3, 2010

Starting out fresh, again

A while back I started a blog to have a place to practice writing among other things, as well as a place that I could put things like the process of the very slow motion kitchen renovation under the control of The Footless Man. As well as some of the black comedy episodes that go along with life with an overfull plate. It vanished into cyberspace and so I am starting over.

At present I am spending a lot of time building. I am continually building a practice as a holistic practitioner. If I get distracted it stops building and that does no one any good.

I am building a new part of my life as a patient navigator for the Doctor who gives me office room.

I am building a new healing process with a good friend that works with the deep brain and fear and safety, this is very promising.

I have spent a lot more time than I would like up in the attic over my kitchen helping The Footless Man build me a better kitchen.

On top of this sort of as frosting is building knitted things. I am an expert knitter. I find it an important part of my life. So in between all the other parts of what I do there is a steady production of mostly socks. They aren't complex socks with elegant patterns in them, they are simple ribbed instep solid wool socks that fit in regular shoes. I do other knitted things as well, just not as much as socks.

The Footless Man is the guy I am married to. He didn't start out that way, he simply achieved it over the years. He has some health issues mostly type1 diabetes and the attendant complications. In his case the most visible complication is that he has no feet and walks on prosthetic feets. The complexities of coping with this are myriad, frustrating and chaotic.

I am trying to save his sense of privacy by not naming him. Some of the episodes will wander in here as things go. He is on my mind and tends to frustrate the bejesus out of me on occasion.

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