Thursday, January 28, 2010

Prosthesises and being able to stand on your own feet

   The Footless Man has been in to the prosthetist today for the first fitting of his new socket.  It seems that even the best prostheitist has times when things just aren't working and  the Footless Man's prosthetic was past  tinkering grinding and playing games with socks.
   The two of them were working on the  basics of fit and I was sitting and watching  as the Footless Man stood, leaned, pushed walked and did his best to get the  test socket to give him a problem.
This is the shorter leg and so the prosthitist has some problems getting a fit that doesn't cause pressure and pain  somewhere in the socket.
    I sat and watched and began designing a prosthetic sock in my head with a graduated  level of thickness and parts where the bones are close to the surface that would need thinner yarn  and parts surrounding  that where you need thicker yarn.  Of course they need to be knitted in the round and how are you going to get it to do all the things you need while knitting in the round?   How about slip stitching for the thicker parts?
  Inspite of the fact that much of my knitting output is socks, I never knitted socks for the Footless Man.  Actually I did.  I had a single sock on the needles for him when his  remaining foot broke down and he chose to have it amputated. 
   I see no point in knitting a sock for a prosthetic foot, so the five inches of top languished for about three months  until my best friend's pre birthday month.  Then in a spirit of lemonade from lemons I made her her a pair of socks with solid navy blue tops and varigated feet. 
   Meanwhile I think that as soon as the new socket needs an extra sock I am going to start knitting and see what I come up with.

The Footless Man told me that he doesn't like having his picture taken.  I told him that someday all I would have of him is pictures, so suck it up and deal.

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