Friday, January 8, 2010

Black doesn't photograph well

This is #1 son The Earstwhile Child in my favorite photo of himself plus his Kitty.  the Earstwhile Child is one of a kind, with many wonderful qualitys.  He has a great rapport with children and animals and a marvelous imagination and a wonderful quirky sense of humor.  He is an artist in his bones and is presently educating himself  to be an animation and computer graphics artist.  You can see some of what his imagination does at his Website.  He is also one of my best knitting buddies and has my "Pattern? what pattern?" design skills.  He learned knitting as if he was being reminded of something  he had always known.  Anyway great gifts also come with great challenges and he has his. 
Today he called me to say that he has managed to resolve a long term ongoing problem  sucessfully.  I called him to get the measurements on his net book to see if the envelope I knitted and then felted was of a size to fit.  It was.  I just took a photo of the thing.  You can see it sort of.  Never take a photo of something black and expect to see the details.  There are pockets on the back but they don't show up at all

At any rate here it is. And EC, congratulations in getting through the mess.

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