Sunday, January 17, 2010

Carving a place for himself

This is the Sword Man.  He is my other child.  He just graduated from school with his Chef Certification.  As I understand it this means that he can go anywhere in the world and learn any cusine that he chooses, and work his way as he goes. 
He too is an artist.  His chosen medium is food, an ephemerel art.  You can engage all your senses with it, and then it is gone.  I think of chefs as performance artists.  They make their art.  It is used,  then  there is just the next performance to think about.
He came home last weekend and sat and talked to me for several hours and while he sat and talked he carved a melon into a flower. 
He has a new job in which he carves melons as a part of it, so he is practicing  making beautiful carvings in vegetables.
I sometinmes wonder just what it was in his childhood that took him in this direction. 
Was it standing on a chair making scrambled eggs at age 14 months?
The years of training in  Iaido with leaning to draw and use a sword?
Was it an inborn bent that he simply was born to be a chef and a food artist? 
Whatever it is I must publicly say how proud I am of how hard he has worked  to get where he has gotten to.  Congratulations, Sword Man, may your knives be sharp and your fingers intact.

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