Thursday, February 11, 2010

Middle aged bicycle geek

I can see that the season is turning more towards spring.  I gave serious consideration to riding my bike to  the office even though the yard still has two feet of snow in it.  The spandex clad herds of  thin tired ram handled athletic wheelheads have not yet showed on the streets to irritate the drivers who seem to think of them as fair game. 
I am not sure just what it is about the spandex wheelhead that seems so absurd to me.  I personally wouldn't be caught dead in a pair of bicycle shorts until they make some that look a lot more like a pair of jeans.  My mental visual of myself  never included my rear assemblage in spandex.
If it comes down to it my own bicycling equipment must give people pause.  I tend to retrofit my equipment with an eye to practical use and the result can have connotations  I didn't consider.  I showed a friend my helmet, and as she looked at it she began cackling and singing the flying monkey theme from The Wizard of Oz.
I hadn't thought of that

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