Friday, February 5, 2010


I started a hat a few days ago.  I thought it was a hat anyway.  Apparently the yarn had other ideas for what it was going to become.  The part that was supposed to be the sides ended up like a plate or something elizabethen to go about a neck. The part that began as a hat now greets the world as a nice little neck frill.  Decorative, but not hattish. 
Sometimes you have to go with what happens and I really had no problem letting the yarn decide.    In a day or two I will model my new balaclava with the extra thick ear part.  Bicycling in the spring around here feels a lot like riding into a wall of wet cement.   It is something about the wind.  I despise the wind in my ears, and you can't wear a hat under a bicycle helmet. 
Ok It is finished and I tried it on.   Somehow wearing this emphasizes just how much I am beginning to resemble Mom. 
In observing the manner of things I am fishing out of my head and putting up here, I am beginning to find some order.   I don't intend to talk about it until it sorts itself out a little more.  Then again order may just lurk on the horizon and never show up here at all.

this is Mom

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