Monday, February 8, 2010

imaginary answers to ordinary questions

So what is it that you actually do?
I get this question a lot.  Especially from male engineers.  I have a hard time answering it too.  The shortest answer  ( I am a holistic practitioner. I work out of a medical office) has not sufficed to satisfy curiosity.  I try again.
"I use CranialSacral therapy plus hypnotherapy plus techniques from brain integration to help people  who have problems with headache, chronic pain, back pain and residual problems from accidents and injury to feel better and to heal more."
"Oh.  So how do you do that?"
"I stick a bone in my nose just here, See?  and then I take a knife about two feet long and chase all the evil spirits that cause everything from toothache to halitosis over the horizon."
"Oh.  Does it work?"
"Better than you could ever imagine."
"Oh." silence for a minute.  " So what do you do realy?"

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