Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Vanity vanity, all is vanity

" there she is, two foot ten of conceit and vanity to say nothing of other vices, looking at her shoes and murmuring, 'pwetty.' -JKJ-
Today I went in to the laser Clinic at work and traded a cranial session for IPL,   The present result being  that I look like I connected with a big stick across both cheeks plus other less appetizing effects on my neck and arms.

like this
Tomorrow I will look dreadful; with a moon face and squinchy beady eyes peering over huge pouches.  Then I heal up over the next week or so and the sun damage of years rises to the surface and sloughs off.
If you are wondering what on earth would make doing this worthwhile, it comes down to two things.  In removing the sunspots and brown freckly stuff now, I avoid later sessions with a dermatologist removing basal and squamous cell lesions that most certainly will crop up if I don't.
I am embarrassed to admit the other reason.  The other reason is that it makes me look a bit prettier.  I don't know why this is important, or why it is hard to admit to wanting to improve my  looks enough to endure the snap-sizzle bruising effect of the IPL process.
I never did buy into the pain for beauty equation.  My shoes are comfortable and my clothes are utilitarian.  Makeup was never a habit, and my hair favors a wash and wear process that takes about thirty seconds most days.
If I really work at it I think I can primp a whole fifteen minutes for a grand occasion.  I have been assured by other friends that it takes them a minimum forty minutes  to get their hair and face ready for a regular day.  I have been thinking about this and I d wish someone would tell me.  What are you doing in there? and have I missed something I was supposed to know somewhere along the way?

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