Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Retro fit plus socks

The footless man went shopping down at the goodwill 50% off sale.  One of the difficulties of having prosthetics  is that they don't fit in pant legs very well.  Over the years we found that the diameter of most pant legs was either a skin tight fit, or too small to go over the socket.  It is a rare pair that could be put on over the tops of the legs.  The solution to this is 9 inch jean zippers, one in each leg.
you can see the zips on the pant leg here.
I have a lot of jeans that are now split and ready to install the zips.  It takes a good hour of work opening the seams and basting the zipper in and a piddling ten minutes to machine stitch them down.  The Footless man loves how easy it is to get legs on with the zips.
This is the obligatory feet in newly finished socks shot.  Somehow when I was winding off the balls I managed to entirely miss finding a repeat match and the repeats are an almost perfect mirror opposite. Instead of the usual identical twin socks, These seem to be cousins.  That's fine,  they are an excellent addition to the drawer.
When I decided to start knitting again after many years away, I thought long and hard about what I should focus on.  The problem that anyone with a passionate  focus on a craft eventually faces, is what to do with the end result.  I decided that socks were a good place to put my knitting energy.  I wouldn't have a problem finding people who wanted a pair of nice socks, and multiple pairs at that. 
I was right, socks have taken up most of my knitting time, and much of my family and a few dear friends get a pair a year for birthday or Christmas or Ayyam-i-ha.  I developed a nice plain vanilla ribbed to the toe pattern with a short row heel that makes a very long wearing sturdy  pair of socks. 
I like the computer patterned sock yarns because they entertain me with wondering what they will do next, and how they will look, if a match is possible. I must be easily entertained, either that or on one level or another I'm not all that bright.
All of this keeps me happy while dealing with circumstances that might have me frustrated to the point of screaming and stomping about like Godzilla on a bad day.
People comment that they don't have the patience to knit.  I don't have  patience.  Knitting keeps me calm.  There is a T shirt I saw and I want it.  It says " I knit so I don't kill people."  In a nutshell, there you have it.

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