Sunday, March 28, 2010

Striking gold at the foodbank

The Footless Man mad his usual food bank trip  on Friday, and he struck gold without realizing it.  There in the middle of the floor was a 4 x 4 bin level full of clementine  oranges.  The wee ones that  sell in a bag of twenty for five dollars at the store.  He didn't realize just what he had until he peeled one, and tried it out.  He ate something like ten over the course of the day, I ate five that night.
Saturday morning We both went in, and came away with about fifteen pounds of them.
They are sitting in the kitchen whispering in little orange voices asking to be eaten.
So when Gretchen came in to  spend the day trading audio books and knitting  we at an ungodly amount of them.  
Gretchen has a sock blank that is dyed in briliant rainbow colors.  She is enjoying how it comes out, and she doesn't like the crinkly yarn.  She asked me to help her ravel the blank and skein the yarn, wet it down and rewind it into a ball.  
This is where forboding music should start to play.
Maybe it was all the oranges, maybe I just wasn't paying the kind of attention that I should have been. Anyway I lifted the crinkly skein off the swift without tying it down.  So after it's wetting when we restreached it,

we had a tangled mess.  Do you know what a good friend is?  A good friend sees that you have made a horrible mess of her project.

 And she laughs as the two of you unravel it.
She had to head for home ( well supplied with more clementines) and I worked on the mess until I got it undone, rewound on the swift, properly tied down, soaked again and settled to dry.
I wound it into a ball this morning.
so Gretchen? it is ready whenever you want it. (you can see another orange soon to be gone sitting on my computer desk)

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