Thursday, March 18, 2010

fun with axes

Yesterday The Footless man told me that the woodsman competitions were going on out on north vine street, and that he would really love to go and see this.
So about nine this morning we wended our way out and spent a pleasant morning in the outdoor bleachers watching people with axes chop the hell out of a bunch of short logs.  I have next to no interest in athletic anything with the exception of dance and dance related stuff. so I tucked my sock in progress into the lower pocket of my pants and prepared for a morning of tedium. 
I am going to have to put my camera into my purse as a normal part of  what I pack there because there were some delightful sights.  I was charmed at the very buff women clomping past wearing foot and shin armor and warming up with five pound single bit Swedish chopping axes.  The teams competed gender to gender and it was a lot more fun to watch than your local softball team.
Tonight is a work related potluck.  I have a pound and a half of salmon salt curing in the fridge.  I need to find someone who will take it on ahead, as I have a late client. 

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