Thursday, January 6, 2011

Open Letter to my internal critical voice

Dear Judge,
I am on to you, I know who you are.  You are the voices of the people I tried desperately to please so that I could survive.  Over the years I have worked my ass off to please you,  forcing myself to achieve things I didn't even find important to get you to dammit shut up your yammering and whining.
I am done.  The people that spawned you are dead, or so far gone out of my life that the last time I heard of them was years ago.  I can safely do what I choose and decide that it is good enough.  I can be who I am and trust that I am enough as well.  How I make my life is mine. Who I love and how we make a marriage is ours, and I can choose to be satisfied or not without your input. 
I am as of this point firing you.  You are no longer the boss of me and I have put your desk and appurtenances out on the curb and changed all the locks.  You better pick them up before the garbage truck hits tomorrow, or they will be in the landfill.  If I so much as hear a peep out of you I will hit you with a restraining order from the hounds of hell.
get off my front step and out of my life.

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