Sunday, December 5, 2010

We have been experiencing technical difficulties please stand by

Yesterday is a day that needed a reboot.  The Footless Man. started it all off at 4:30 am with a blood sugar in the terrifying low range.  One 911 call, one ambulance ride, one pick up from ER this brings us up to 7AM and I decided that I am going back to bed because it is Saturday.  Mostly I am the one up early. It's my time to putter about without anyone around.  I have my tea and read the paper and do the crossword puzzle and then I am ready to face whatever is going on in the day.  Saturdays, I sleep in.
Footless Man went off to visit the food bank, and I guess by the evidence he was washing dishes.  Point is that about noon I come down the stairs to find him in the midst of yet another insulin shock.
Argh, argh, argh.
This one I was able to feed him glucose and get him up and level, He ate lunch and headed in for a nap.
I headed in to the computer. 
The internet was down.
Now generally I am pretty calm about most things computer related but, and this is a big but, I have been coping with the slow death of my monitor and borrowing the swordsman's monitor for minimal and basic use.
This suited nobody and upset the Swordsman something awful because he has an OCD component to his makeup and there was absolutely no way I could share the use of the monitor that didn't give him an anxiety attack.
I was gifted with a really excellent Monitor on Thursday. (Thank You Gretchen)  Saturday was the first time I had a chance to actually go online.  The browser simply announced that it couldn't find the server.  Or anything else, like it's backside with both hands.
Argh, Argh, Argh.
Today I called my service provider and spent an hour and a half with a technician as she talked me through the black screen depths of the innards of my computer to figure out if the problem was theirs, mine or something in between.
So far as I understand her, the computer ate it's all important numbers that allow it to connect to the net.  Meantime I followed directions, typed commands, read what the computer said back to me about the commands, reset the modem and the router, and all the numbers.
What do I find in my mail but a concerned message from someone who reads this.
My goodness I feel touched. 
So now here I am.  I aintn't dead.  I may be tempted to whack the Footless Man upside the head, scream imprecations at the computer and stomp about in a Godzilla Moment, but dead I am most certainly not.

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