Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A knitting digression

I am working on the last of the Christmas socks.  I am working up the cuffs and getting burnt out with the yarn.
Yarn that is dyed for socks comes in a lot of pre-dyed patterns and possibilities, most of them good.  Somehow I got hold of a skein that entirely belied it's possibilities by looking fairly charming in the skein and being pretty startling in the sock.  It has heathery qualities, and purpleness and pinkish tones, all of which sound rather nice.
However it may be, the combination just doesn't work according to my vision of how this is supposed to look.  It hasn't surpassed the sun bleached Easter egg horror I knit up last spring but in my eye it is running a very close second. 
Part of the reason that I am complaining about it is that I want to get on with test knitting a hood/caplet pattern for the hat  that I made for myself  last year. People have asked me for the pattern. (Pattern? says I, What Pattern?)  So I wrote it up and will be knitting it up.  As soon as I finish with the socks.

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