Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sock of the week contest

Next week is counting down and I am looking forward to  a trip to a training.  In Cal.  Just north of San Fransisco.
I will be going to a workshop conducted by this woman.  Among the multiple sets of directions for getting to where I am going plus the lists of hotels that I might stay at was a set of directions to bring something that has significance in my personal and professional life.  something that symbolizes something about how I do what I do.  Ok.  Got that.
I am now finishing up a set of socks for one of my mentors and teachers.

Wendy Palmer has had a great deal of influence in my life and my work.  I will be meeting her for lunch the first day of the workshop.   They are filled with the knitters prayer (Oh God I hope She likes them.)
I must admit that knitting a set of tabi from the toe up was a pretty interesting mental challenge.  They look vaguely obscene and distinctly alien until you get the heel finished.
As many of you know, I have been ripping through a  pair of socks per week   since March. This is while doing the rest of what I do.
I am going to have a day of travel plus three days of  workshop time.  I intend to hit the LYS in Sausolito on Sunday.  I have a limited amount of room in my carry on.  How much yarn ( how many sock sets) should I pack?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ah, the age-old travel question. Hate to take up too much space, hate even more to run out of un-knit yarn. Enjoy your trip, Dances.