Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kitchen cabinet Tetras

It has been a day of kitchen cabinet tetras.
the Footless man and I have been having another bash at getting the last cabinet process going to my satisfaction and unfortunately, to the Footless man's deep distress.
This process involves tape measures and hand waving, and wanting to shake the other person involved because they can't see the picture inside your head.
In the end I resorted to the computer.
As a starting point, we will revisit the cabinet that occupies my kitchen's west wall.  This honking big  kitchen island that the Footless man would dearly love to keep with all its attendant hardware.
What I want is different.  I want one of the end cabinets with the lovely roll out shelves to sit near my stove  so that I can reach in to them and grab my pots.  What I want is to reduce the big thing into units and build a wall.

I want it to look mostly like this.
Trying to convey this to the Footless Man is like explaining to my youngest grandchild that mom is talking on the phone and She ( grandchild) is not getting the use of it any time soon.
I finally resorted to using the computer paint program with a grid made by the excel program like it was a CAD program.
This is what I want.

This is what I have
Now that I have managed to get this mostly across,  I hope that I can repeat myself enough times to get it.

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