Thursday, January 1, 2015

Looking back, Looking forward

Yesterday on the last day of the year, I took the last things out of my office and officially moved the remnants back home.
 Last year at this time I was still in two residences.  My house was still a hoarded mess, The dumpster was still being filled.  Thirty hours a week was going to an unpaid job, and twenty hours to other clients.  I was working on the process, the task at hand was to get into one place.
Last year the task at hand was to sort out the good from the dreck.
If I look at what I have done, I have come a million miles in this year. I am a better stronger person, but it isn't at all the person I thought it might be.
I never expected that I would be letting go of my healing practice.
 I never imagined that I might have another relationship. 
It wasn't on my radar that I would walk out on someone I considered a friend.
Dancing was small part of who and what I was. 
School wasn't anywhere in the picture.
Now here I am.
Danceing is a big part of my life.
I left the "friend" and moved on.
there is someone there for me.
My healing practice is taking back seat to something else.
In three weeks I will be back in school, to train in something that is entirely different from anything I have done in the past.
I have no idea where this will lead but it looks like new.
 I can use new.

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