Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Frustration Ratio and Perportion

At the moment I have homework to do. Lots of it.  I managed to do an amazing stupid yesterday. Which was saved by a sweet voiced lady at the Bus station who snagged my drawing board and set it aside for me after I made the horrifying discovery that I had gotten on the bus without it. I explained the problem to the art teacher and she extended the hand in for me.  Bless them both.
I was beyond frustrated with trying to download the soft ware that I needed for the main class I am taking.  Problem solved with nice people this weekend. 
Then comes the problem of actually doing the homework.  I don't understand this soft ware and how it works, figuring it out runs into one of the things that is really hard for me to deal with.  It does not work the way my brain thinks it should.  Carving a new path in there, one that does not have any familiar things to hang my learning on takes  repetition of a kind that teachers don't get.  Like, 
  • tell me three times in the same way.
  •  Show me three times, talking as you go. 
  • Run me through it three times with me clicking the buttons, 
  • and then do it again, and again, and again. 
And why do I need this done? because I have a brain injury.
 I am in new territory, I need a three pronged tell, see, do. and then practice practice practice to learn this stuff.
 The ratio is 3:1 to learn one thing I need to be told three times, I need to see it three times, and I need to do it three times.  and then I need to wait a day and do it again. I am spending a lot of time on small stuff.   
People tell me that it gets easier over time, and on one hand I know this is true. Then I sit in front of the screen and I can't remember the things I need to do.   The frustration ratio is also 3:1.  I am frustrated by things three times for every one I can get and do with my own laborious process of learning.
 I never did get to making cookie dough, and right now I think cookie dough would be a very good thing indeed... Excuse me I have something I need to do now, in the kitchen.

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