Monday, January 12, 2015

Bowling down the runway.

Things are set.  I have the books, supplies, bus pass, back pack, classes, schedule, calendar, pens flash drive, folders, and all but one building sussed out.  I still don't know where the art class is.  I am as ready as a little kid with a cape, swim goggles, dish washing gloves, cowboy hat and a wooden sword and a shield. Like that kid I am not quite sure exactly what it is that I am ready for.  I just know that I have gotten myself as ready as I can.  Then like a duck trying to take off from dry land I will be galloping wildly across the fields flapping my wings and bounding from hummock to hummock in an effort to be airborne.  I may not make it into the air. I may just provide any of the watchers with a really entertaining view with a good laugh at the end of it.
Ready or not, Here I come.

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