Saturday, March 3, 2012

continuing the experiment

Mr. Footless and I see a counselor pretty regularly in part because we need a referee when things are difficult, and at present things are difficult for a lot of reasons.
Today I got to talk about food and the refrigerator, and Mr. Footless's  difficulty letting go of food that is (ahem) past its expiration date, and why it can't be thrown in the "garden". 
Mr Footless wanted to complain talk about my not letting him drive and how that means that he can't get rid of things because I won't take them  to his chosen disposal points. (Chosen disposal points seem to be at least a town away and have times of operation that are inconvenient or impossible for me to use.)
The upshot is that Mr Footless agreed to let me clean out the refrigerator and our counselor agreed with me, that Mr. Footless is not able to drive even if he did by some miracle get a driver's license. The liability is just too great.
 Mr. Footless isn't happy with me, and furthermore he has been referred to someone that works with elder hoarding problems. 
If I were younger I would be dancing a happy dance. As it is, Mr Footless is making his unhappiness known with silent treatment and unkind remarks.  I am unimpressed and will ignore the behavior unless I must.
The third week of antibiotics with the third raise in dosage is in effect.  I am feeling steadily better and my basic energy is rising. At present my hands hurt but I did a lot of lifting with them and a lot of knitting as well.
I am heading for bed, I am tired and it has been a long day.

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