Sunday, February 26, 2012

alarums and excursions

Yesterday was a day that started pre- 4am I hate days that have two 4 o clocks in them.  This was caused by the (big surprise) clown car circus emergency precipitated at 4 AM.  We have been struggling over the last interval due to the wild zig-zags with blood glucose up and downs that Mr Footless takes during the day with the pump.  During the morning hours he needs a lot more insulin to get moving.
Then we have known that he needed more then and less at night for a while.  The specialists have been calibrating in on the proper doses kind of like stalking a lion at the water hole. They keep counseling patience and I have felt very frustrated and unheard as I am trying to explain that if they don't get his levels figured out really soon I will have a dead husband.
 Or he will give up on the pump and go back to the injections. Either of those or I will kill and bury him in the compost heap and pretend that he is doing fine for the social security payments.
This  last episode included the added responsibility of it being a day that I had to be out of the house at 5:30 to be to my companion job by ten til 6.  So while loading Mr Footless for his visit to the E-Room we had to speculate on how he could get home again. This was the last straw for me and I sat down with the pump settings and re set them for higher doses in the morning and way lower doses starting in the afternoon and at night.
Mr Footless is happier with the pump than I have seen him.  He is getting food when he needs it and not having to stuff himself in the late evening to make it through the night.
In my own front Friday was the up the antibiotics day.  I am wondering what the new detox effect will be.  So far I have had the vicious headache from the neither parts of hell, (3 days) and then a cold (7 days).  The joint and muscle pain and the dragging fatigue aches are way way down.
 Part of what I notice is that my mood is some brighter and I am more able to cope with and notice things like picking up junk on the floor.  I have noticed it as something hat I didn't like, but I don't think I understood just how little I wanted to make the movements it would take to bend over and pick the stuff up. 
 Of course being me what do I really notice?
 Socks are pouring off my needles.
My hands don't hurt.  I ripped through a pair of socks in less than a week, pair number two  is galloping off the needles.
I have the energy to have a conversation  after I get home from work.
I feel like cooking dinner.
The thought of driving doesn't make me want to cry.
I can think.
 That's how I know I am a lot better.

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