Saturday, February 4, 2012

An allegory

Imagine that you are sitting on the side of a relatively big hill or a small mountain. And on the mountain there are various roads, paths and ways to be going up and down them.  Now on this morning at some point you saw several people rolling a very large stone slowly up towards the peak.  There were a lot of people in this project, and the group kept having people join and others drop away for reasons that you might not be aware of.  The stone was heavy, lopsided and hard to steer.  The people sometimes didn't all agree on the road and sometimes they had to go through some uncharted territory in finding a way to get this stone to the top.  So late in the afternoon the residual group of people rolling the stone are almost there at the top. There seems to be a lot of consultation about just what to do next, and a long tense silence. 
The next thing you hear is a lot of shouting  and a lot of aaaaaaaaaaugh plus crashing and running and thumping.  Out of the brush just above you comes this rock rolling, bounding, crashing, bumping and boltering along with the group of people that were there at the last, tearing ass along with it, trying to keep up.  It roars by with its attending people who disappear in a cloud of dust running like hell  as it heads off into the distance.

Well ladies and gentlemen, That was my rock that just went past and I am running like hell to keep up.

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