Saturday, February 18, 2012

report from the front lines

Sometimes strange things are the meat of my existence.  The last few weeks have been pretty wild with changes at work and at home and as I have been going along my work load has been going up.
The problem with that has been my chronic pain.
Years ago I began having pain in my joints and inflammation in muscle and joint plus sleeplessness.  Fibromyalgia in short.  Over time I have more or less made my peace with what I understood was a chronic pain in the ass of a chronic disorder and gotten on with having a life.  I don't much complain about hurting and just go about what I was doing.
The problem was that my condition dictated that I  work less than forty hours in a week or my condition would force me to do nothing else but sleep the rest of the time. I basically have a cycle of workpainsleepworkpainsleepworkpainsleepwork.
This makes for difficulty when the chips are down and my practice revs up because while it works for about a week it doesn't work for a life.
I had a conversation with My friend who is a doctor and is my landlord at the clinic  otherwise known as Mr. Awesome Doc for privacy pruposes.
Mr Awesome Doc showed me some information an using an antibiotic for reducing the pain and inflammation in rhumatological complaints I read up and considered the possibilities and after another week of nothing but workpainsleepwork I decided to go for it.
we are starting out slow.  After three days I can report that the inflammation and swelling in my fingers is down and I have a whole lot less pain in my back, shoulders and neck. I am going on from here wondering what will happen next.
it looks promising.

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