Monday, March 12, 2012


It's warm out.  The yard is a winter mess and the trees need water. 
Where am I on this first day of "I'm going to take it easy week"?  I'm inside thinking about a nap because Mr. Footless had a Chinese fire drill at 6 AM.
Overheard remarks from the fire guys:
 "His glucose is __ She's only off by about two points"
 "Yeah, She totally nails it 98% of the time. I've never seen her off by more than ten points and she is usually within three."
"How does she do it?"
"I dunno.  Hey Cathy! How do you tell the glucose so close?"
"It's all in how he twitches."
"Can you do it with someone else?"
"Don't know, He's the only one that I work with."
It's twenty years and knowing the signals and what to pay attention to.

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