Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dear Mom and Dad

I am sorry, I must tell you that I am not able to come down to check on Mom.  I am very aware that She is being taken care of by a great number of marvelously competent people including you Dad.  The check in and on was more for my peace of mind than her well being.  I also understand that I am too stressed out to push myself into illness over my own stupid expectations.  I realized this morning that I am in the midst of some serious happy debt.  This is in part because I have been seeing to the complex needs of my hubby the Footless Man, Michael the Geriatric Cat, and my business who has a lot of needs and takes up a lot of my time.
Enough is enough. 
I spent two hours floating around the therapy pool this afternoon, tomorrow I will find something else that I have been putting off that I need to do for me.  I will check in sometime later after I feel less like a worker drone and more like myself.
Meantime please be sure to color coordinate your clothes to the shiners Mom, and heal up fast.
Love, your daughter.

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