Sunday, September 5, 2010

minor truths

The Footless Man and I were working on getting the gateposts and gate that he gave me many years ago up.  Now I love  the Footless Man, and I have more than twenty years of dealing with him and helping with projects.  I can state with some authority that helping him is the most frustrating thing I do.
I have my way of going about a construction project, and He has his.  They don't combine well.
Let us just say that we ended the session out of charity with each other and the gate posts as yet unhung.
I did end up picking up a lot of the apples that the tree has carelessly dropped. 
In another week or so  it should be ready to cider out, and I want to get the falls out of the area to keep things clean.
Maybe tomorrow we can get the gate posts up.

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