Monday, September 13, 2010

Michaels terrible afternoon

I feel horrible about this.  So does The Footless Man and so does my friend.
  Poor Michael is in the hospital overnight and I feel sick with responsibility.
I have a good friend who adores dogs.  She has a rescue dog that she has been rehabbing over the last year.  The dog is beautiful, but nervous and very active.
Yesterday my friend came over to return  something she left at my house and brought her dog.
Now we both know that the dog is unpredictable, so if Sacha comes over she is leashed and under control.  I have never had Sacha in my house for more than a few minutes because of Michael the cat. 
The short story is that Sacha escaped control and attacked Michael, grabbing him by the belly.  Everyone was in the scrum to unclamp the dog's jaws and retrieve the cat who was desperately trying to get away.....
My friend was heroically prying the dogs jaws apart while the cat bit her along the arms.  Michael was shocky and shaken and then had the horrible experience of a bath. (He had soiled himself in his fear and pain)  A quick call to the emergency vets and Michael fresh from the indignity of a bath wrapped in a towel now has a car ride to the dreaded vets.  X-rays showed that he has muscle tears along his abdominal wall where he got grabbed and they wanted to push IV fluids and pain meds over night to be sure that he didn't have kidney damage.
The Swordsman and I sat with Michael and left him with a shirt that smelled like home.  He was muzzy with pain meds and inclined to sleep by the time they were done with him.  I will be calling the vet after I post this,  I hope that he is ready to come home.
I am a gentle soul and I have very few rules about what is OK in my house.  It breaks down to this.  No smoking of any kind.  No alcohol unless it is for cooking.  No recreational drugs.  and now, no dogs.  not again never.

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