Saturday, June 5, 2010

Alrighty then

I am having a wonderful time at this conference.  The processes that I am learning are pure gold.
Yesterday I showed Rachel my cards.  She was delighted. She also told me that it would do a lot of good to publish them.  She called them Healing in a bag.  This brought up a conversation about the fear that paralysed me. She told me to find out why I was not killed.
Results are surfacing.
I have been living with a lampshade over the light in my heart.  I have been so afraid that it would go out again.  I have a sense that I don't need  the lampshade.  I need  the hurricane  glass that protects the flame and lets it shine far and wide.
Am I there?  not yet.
It is coming.
Photos will be happening soon as well.

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