Wednesday, August 20, 2014

In which I am gobsmacked

I just got a call from one of my good friends.  She was digging up her weed laden verge strip to make it into something more sightly when she found a ring. a gold ring with an amethyst and two tiny diamond chips. It was rather unusual in that it had another gold band next to it.  She found my wedding set.  I have looked and looked and looked for it. It disappeared the night that Mr Footless died, and I have felt the loss a lot.  I am just stunned that it has turned up and that it turned up there.
I loved that ring.  I loved what it meant to me and to us, that we had gotten married in spite of all the all the pain, the loss and sadness and the longing we had to be together.  We did it. We stayed  with it, and for much of it we were happy.  It has been a long tough road these last two years, and I am glad that I have  something back that has been lost for so long.

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