Saturday, February 1, 2014

Tiddly Pom

The weather has reverted to winter. it has snowed and snowed again, and for what reason should I be complaining? We need the water, we need the moisture, we need the time for quiet contemplation.
I am really fine with it Except, the walk needs shoveling, front back and side, and some time today I am going to have to go to the store. The store will be slammed with people who are frantically buying all the eggs, milk and bread for what purpose I can't imagine. Epic amounts of french toast?
I think I can pass on most of it.
Then again I need to talk to Mum about my usual visit to her, because tomorrow is the huge enourmus gladiator fest AKA Superbowl, where men in armor give each other traumatic brain injuries and throw an odd shaped ball around.  Anyway she wants to watch it and I want to not be around on the streets when it is over, because the number of  Drunk People Having Fun in Cars is more than I can imagine dealing with.
I think I am electing myself for wimp hood.
I think it is a relief to just admit that I am scared to be out on the highways with a bunch of people at night who have made themselves unreliable.
I am a grownup. Grownups are not scared of things right? So who made up that lie?
Actually, mostly thinking about it is far worse than doing it. So where is the anxiety leaving off and where is mature sensible caution beginning?
I think that I will be doing any out things today and not tomorrow, and I think that I will no longer beat myself up for what I am scared about.

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