Saturday, January 25, 2014

Getting unpacked and other annoyances

After packing up the apartment and moving the last things home I have been working on finding what and where everything is going to live. Now really, I ask you, I have been in a space that was the size of my living room and had everything in the space neatly set up and tidily put in its place. So why on earth am I sitting in three times the space wondering where to put a couple spatulas and how to fit all the books on the book case when they fit on three shelves with room to spare before?  I seem to have expandostuff.
Mostly it is a matter of choosing just where I want to put things so I can put things there and have them stay, and then I don't like it there and ...
Sometimes the pretty stuff is harder that anything else. Finding a place for Sick Sir Lancelot the clinically depressed knight where I can look at him and laugh is important. Right now he sits in the bay window where he is backlit, and I like him there but he really looks kind of unfinished.

 On the upside such as it is, I can have and eat things that would have been barred preflight.
I also find that feeding myself when no one is looking is pretty problematic. The whole idea of making a meal with all the nutritious food groups just doesn't seem to be worthwhile.
I have relearned that you don't save glazed donuts for later, a few hours is fine but not a day or more. I am fussy about my bakery treats, My nose reacts to stale and rancid with revulsion, and I will go to the store in the morning to get them fresh rather than get them the day before and save myself the trouble in the morning

If you are wondering why I didn't find some of this out while living in the apartment, well some of it I did.  But then I was just not there for much because I was bouncing between my commitments and responsibilities. It was pretty much a place I slept and changed clothes on my way to the next part of what was going on at the time.
Moving my things back has put me in one place for the first time in a year and a half. Coping with both the old and the new of being here is uncomfortable. 
This house is/has been home for me, I realize that I have lived here most of my adult life and I actually could like it here.  What I make it is up to me, and right now I need to make it a place where I can put my kitchen away and make something I want to eat for lunch and dinner today.

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