Sunday, March 25, 2012

Aha moment

Life had a look up point on Friday when the trash folks dropped off the new recycle bin.  That sucker is bigger than our trash by about double.  On the top is a list of what does and does not go in. So yesterday I spent a fair amount of time putting all the recycle items that have been hanging about, waiting for the magical day wherein the twinkle fairies will drop their blessings on it, and it can be transported magically to the great God Garbageous in the sky.   The bin holds 65 gallons and is about half full at this point.
Naturally Mr. Footless is remarkably pissed off because he no longer has the control and excuse to keep his heaps and fuss with them.  Among others I emptied a bin that has been sitting on the living room floor for four months because he had an anxiety attack about it being something he had not seen.  My response was "Too Bad."
Mr Footless is considerably less than pleased with me.
Then of course yesterday I caught him red handed in a twisted little piece of ugly called" pick a fight and blame the receiver."  Isn't it funny what people do to keep themselves safe.?

Friday, March 23, 2012

Up date

Two sock (one pair) almost to the pupae stage reduced to larvae once more.  I have one up to the heel.  I like the pattern better. It knits up faster.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


What with feeling better I am delightedly rummaging through my bin of sock yarns to decide who gets what  in the way of sockage.  I talked with a friend who reminded me that the enormous bin of yarn is not a liability nor is it a waste.  It is socks in their larval stage.  That settles my conscience about waste, although it doesn't stop me from adding more to the bin.
  I can live with that.  I just sometimes think that it would be nice if my wish for order didn't run directly into my rebellious side.  How do I know that I will want to knit those yarns for that person when I get to the point of it? I don't.  
All the time I spent bagging peoples names with certain sock larvae may well be in vain, because who knows if I will agree to what I thought was good way back when?  At some point All of it will evolve through my needles into warm stuff for feet, the possibility that it is an unlikely color and strange pattern is going to be the luck of the draw.  I knit out of love and not obligation.
I pulled a really wild one out and knitted it up.  It looked rather nice as a skein and better as a ball and then WHEW as the sock itself it was pretty loud.  It was purple and pink and aqua plus green and orange and sparkles.  One of the Guys at the knitting table looked it over and said "Looks like Liberace's bedroom slippers."  well then, that's alright, if a little(!) gaudy. 
Now I am working on a pair in various shades of flame red  absolutely glorious and past the heels.  I don't like the pattern, and like it less as I go. Do I morph it into something else, rip it or continue?  The debate rages mostly in my head.  I think that it will do better with another pattern.  Phoo.  

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Yesterday started out badly. I was up by 2:45 and that is AM mind you due to Mr Footless's blood sugar being 911 low (37). I had the following conversation with an EMT
"Ma'am, would you come up here and convince your husband to eat some glucose?"
Someone grabbed him at that point and I hear the whispered ( hissed) "The reason that we are here is because she can't manage it herself and she would if she could." 
I hate new cert EMTs with a fine and burning passion.
So Mr Footless trundled off to the emergency room, and I went off to work.
Then after work I had a hair cut and did the Friday errands. I got home by four thirty and went upstairs to check in....... and called 911 again Blood sugar (23).
At that point I called a friend and asked myself to dinner.  There is no way of describing my state of mind except to say that it was Not Good.
Today I was doing the normal Saturday chores and heading over to return some sock needles that I can't use when the phone rang with a desperate call from someone I will call Friday's Child. 
She asked me to come over and help with problem unspecified.  I sailed over and spent what had to be the most uncomfortable hour and a half imaginable with five hostile people all trying to make themselves understood and to get their own way at the same time.  I am sure that I was supposed to be there, and I am sure that I did what I was supposed to do, all the same I am clueless as to what that was or what in the name of the creator it was about.
I missed the great television transfer scheduled for the afternoon and Mr. Footless was miffed because I disappeared with the truck when he wanted the helpful guys to carry out and load a bunch of schmutter.  Sorry. I called and he didn't answer his phone.
I feel like I put my finger into the light socket of the universe and my newly shorn hair is standing on end.
Now I am really wondering about tomorrow's Meeting.  

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I'm not fussy but......

I wish to hell that I could just get the charts.  I don't need the instructions for the toe, heel and thirty differing ways to set up the gusset.  I just want/need the stitch pattern for the gorgeous lace in that there sock pattern and I want it in the chart form thank you very much.

Monday, March 12, 2012


It's warm out.  The yard is a winter mess and the trees need water. 
Where am I on this first day of "I'm going to take it easy week"?  I'm inside thinking about a nap because Mr. Footless had a Chinese fire drill at 6 AM.
Overheard remarks from the fire guys:
 "His glucose is __ She's only off by about two points"
 "Yeah, She totally nails it 98% of the time. I've never seen her off by more than ten points and she is usually within three."
"How does she do it?"
"I dunno.  Hey Cathy! How do you tell the glucose so close?"
"It's all in how he twitches."
"Can you do it with someone else?"
"Don't know, He's the only one that I work with."
It's twenty years and knowing the signals and what to pay attention to.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I want a vacation

Yesterday was a long day. It began with a client session that did not go well, included a long time with Mr Footless at the local art museum, and continued with a visit with the Erstwhile Child.  It was all needed and I am mostly glad I went and did. All the same I have very few client appointments this next week and I think that I am going to try and be nice to myself and take a rest. 
I do see that my energy is a lot better.  I managed to be up and functioning early today and it is Spring forward day at that. I saw a whole bunch of robins sitting around so spring is in session.
It's afternoon and I think that with all the things calling to be done I am going to set the timer for half an hour of kitchen cleanup and go take a nap. or lie down or something.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

But It Works

We spent the morning with the diabetic expert.  Not my favorite thing to do.  She is displeased that I reprogrammed the pump and was horrified that I set part of the settings to 0.  She was upset and looking at the numbers, and trying to tell me how wrong they were.  I kept pointing out, "But it works!"  Since the reprogramming there have been no emergency calls and Mr. Footless hasn't had the problem with highs that last all day.  She is not happy and set out to tweak the numbers.  The upshot of the meeting of the minds was that she put some changes in.  It turns out that they were actually pretty few and modified what I had done.  Humph.

Monday, March 5, 2012

talking to the air

I just spent a lovely day with mom and dad.  I really needed it and they tell me that they keep a close eye on what I am writing here.  that's good because sometimes It feels a lot like I am talking to nobody about nothing much.  I am considering making this blog a more family sort of place.  In that I would let people who aren't me and are related post here as well.  that way there is a place to send those really cool ancient slide transferred to digital pictures plus it gives a better way to tell the news that we would like to hear.  I love you guys, I am beyond flattered that you keep up with my weekend natters.  all the same it still feels like I am talking to the air with no feedback.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

continuing the experiment

Mr. Footless and I see a counselor pretty regularly in part because we need a referee when things are difficult, and at present things are difficult for a lot of reasons.
Today I got to talk about food and the refrigerator, and Mr. Footless's  difficulty letting go of food that is (ahem) past its expiration date, and why it can't be thrown in the "garden". 
Mr Footless wanted to complain talk about my not letting him drive and how that means that he can't get rid of things because I won't take them  to his chosen disposal points. (Chosen disposal points seem to be at least a town away and have times of operation that are inconvenient or impossible for me to use.)
The upshot is that Mr Footless agreed to let me clean out the refrigerator and our counselor agreed with me, that Mr. Footless is not able to drive even if he did by some miracle get a driver's license. The liability is just too great.
 Mr. Footless isn't happy with me, and furthermore he has been referred to someone that works with elder hoarding problems. 
If I were younger I would be dancing a happy dance. As it is, Mr Footless is making his unhappiness known with silent treatment and unkind remarks.  I am unimpressed and will ignore the behavior unless I must.
The third week of antibiotics with the third raise in dosage is in effect.  I am feeling steadily better and my basic energy is rising. At present my hands hurt but I did a lot of lifting with them and a lot of knitting as well.
I am heading for bed, I am tired and it has been a long day.