Sunday, December 11, 2011

When things calm down you can see through the confetti

Mr Footless sat down to examine all the data that we have gathered this past few weeks and what needed to be done about the pump and the incredible time problems that we were looking at.  Somehow it has all come together in our understanding  as to how to deal with the problems with the pump.
 You need to understand that there are real advantages to it.  Mr Footless and I have both known that he really should be injecting two boluses a day to smooth out the lumps in his delivery system.  There was no way in hell that Mr Footless was going to do it. The cruel truth is/was that he is afraid of needles.  Once a day was all he was going to manage and that was that.  Well the pumps delivery system has taken the horror out of injections.  Once the infusion set is in place, getting the insulin on time and properly dosed is a matter of five punches of a button.  One ouch, every three days.  Smooth delivery and minimal issue.
The real problem was what we had no clue about.  Nobody knew and nobody could predict the length of time insulin was lingering in his system.  In the end this is what was causing the crashes and the craziness.
We know now that he can manage the pump, his food, and stabilize the routine because he understands that it isn't all that foreign to his way of managing.  He just has much more accurate knowledge of what is going on and a much more accurate calculation and delivery system.  Hurray.  I think he is riding it, instead of it riding him.

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