Thursday, December 15, 2011

the clown car effect

Sometimes when I deal with Mr Footless and Insulin shock I seem to switch over to some alternate reality where the furniture seems to be the same but people seem to be operating from the twilight zone.
I was talking to someone about this and called it the clown car effect.  Its as if a car full of clowns pull up in front of your place and pile out and there is no figuring out what will happen next. Here are several of these that stand out in my mind as unforgettable and amazing episodes of Chinese fire drill.
  1. The day we found the cat that had fallen down the chimney which involved a cherry picker and four fire guys.
  2. The day I came home from work to find a grocery cart in the living room with a cryptic note from a police officer informing me that my produce was in the refrigerator and a missing husband.
  3. The epic line up outside the house that involved a city bus, a police car, a fire truck, an ambulance, the mail van, The UPS van and a friend's car.
  4. The episode in a coffee shop where the guy concluded that Mr Footless was possessed by demons and began pulling out all the stops including the bible and calling on Jesus to help this poor soul.
  5. The time Mr Footless went out in his daughters bathroom and we got the graduated sized fireman and EMT parade all of whom wanted to try fitting themselves into a bathroom the size of a refrigerator carton
  6. And then the latest one where Mr Footless collapsed in a restaurant during the five o'clock rush and we had the whole mess happening in a bar on the floor, wherein the Manager after the thing was over offered me two shots of tequila to take the edge off.  
considering all that. it has become very hard to upset me I guess I have been worked over by experts.

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