Monday, April 25, 2011

Minor pieces of wisdom

Every once in a while some of the things that I process bubble up to the surface leaving me wondering about my sense of what is right or wise or....
The latest few:
I don't drink for a lot of reasons, including:
My religion, My conclusion that I don't have the taste buds for it and don't intend to try developing them, and the latest; It's as safe as trying to become friends with a sociopath.

Sometimes cleaning things is comforting.

I hate dealing with other people's clutter and won't.  Before you can clean things clutter has to be removed.
Aha!  this Explains 7/8 of the house.

I have delayed formulating a budget for more than twenty years because I was furious with my first husband for dictating how I should spend every penny that I had.  How much do I need to punish myself for something that had nothing to do with me? Sod on that.

I like to sew.  I like to retro fit more than I like sewing.  Remaking something is more fun than making it.

Gluten Free rice or cornbread.
Grease a 9x9 square pan.  preheat oven to 450 F
11/2 cups cornmeal (blue cornmeal is best) or brown rice flour
4 tsp cornstarch or arrowroot powder
11/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
Sift these together three times an put into a medium sized mixing bowl
In a separate container beat together
1 egg
2 Tbs oil or melted butter
Two cups Buttermilk, or 1cup yogurt plus one cup water*
Add the liquid to the dry ingredients and whisk them smooth.
Pour into the pan and bake for 20 to 25 minutes
let sit ten minutes and cut into squares
*Use Soygurt if you need to go non dairy

While posting this I heard suspicious noises from the other room and found the Footless Man
in the throes of Insulin shock and seizing.  1 911 call, 1 IV dex titration, blood sugar starting @ 18, Footless Man is off in the ER and I am thinking  of moseying down and picking him up.  No matter how calm I seem, no matter how business as usual I make it, it stresses me the hell out

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