Wednesday, September 23, 2015

thinking about what happens next

As time goes on things have sorted out in a lot of different ways.  I keep learning about who I am and what I am able to do, and what I want to do that I am able to do, not necessarily the same thing.  The big question that I have circling in my brain is this: What happens next, and how?  What am I supposed to do, what can I do? and how will I get there from here?
Those are the distance questions.  Then there are the close up ones.  How do I make this day count in the scheme of things what are the tasks today that will count  for tomorrow and the distant future? I feel like I am building a bridge across air to a place I can't see with things I don't understand.  I have hopes  that I can't place and wants I can't articulate.  what do I want really?
  •  To clean up the residual mess here, to sell this place and move to one that suits me better.  
  • Something smaller, tidier, more manageable.
  •  I want the means to live by my own lights.
  •  If that means working, I want to work  somewhere that does not micromanage and that leaves me alone to do whatever it is. 
  • Whatever my fears about getting from here to there, I want them not to drop me in my tracks.
  • I want to live with no one in my personal living space. 
  • I also want male companionship and cuddling from time to time.
  • I have served others and cared for others all of my life.  I want to care for me mostly.  
I am still who I am.  I have a compassionate and caring heart. I just don't want to live giving all myself away. 
I am tired. I have a day in front of me I want to go back to bed.  Bed is boring. Time to move on.

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