Friday, September 26, 2014


I have packed everything I need to go to the Harvest Moon Fest, and I am feeling a bit emotionally dizzy. 
Last Friday was really hard.  I ended the unpaid job much to my "employer" 's  rage and upset, I waited until the last thirty minutes to tell her that I was leaving because I did not want to deal with a day of tirade.  It was the first anniversary of Mr Footless's death so I was raw and thin skinned.  It wasn't a fun time but I walked out with a sense of deep relief and understanding that this was the right thing for me to do whatever her opinion was.
I have been processing  the actions and how I feel ever since.  I find that I got some good out of  it, and I am not regretting the time I spent with her, Neither do I regret walking out when the time came.  I realize that I don't need someone else's  point of view to give me a sense of what is true and real. Inspite of the very real manipulations that were being used, I did not buy any of them and was able to walk with very little guilt. 
these are huge steps forwards for me and I am pleased that I see them.
That was Friday day. I had dinner with The Erstwhile Child and his sweet wife,  It was good company for a night with a lot of emotion and a lot of sadness and loneliness. I missed Mr Footless a lot this last year between being furious at him and the mess to clean up.
So Saturday  I got the cidering equipment and cooked for people, and then went to the Contra dance.  Where like a fluff head which I was, due to being giddy with freedom from the job and from the first year being over, I left my fuzzy wrap at the dance hall.
Someone very nicely contacted me to say it was safe until I could pick it up and I thanked them and concentrated on getting ready for people to come over and help me cider the apple tree.
 like this
We stripped the tree and made somewhere between fifteen and twenty gallons of cider with the help  of friends and neighbors.  Most of it went home with people but I still have several gallons left. And then.....
Sunday night my wrap came back home care of a very nice man who will be known as Sound Man.
we stayed up talking until two in the morning.
He came over Monday night and stayed late talking,  Likewise Thursday he was over and we took a walk.  He is kind, easy to talk to, and I don't have to explain things because he is fast on the uptake.  I have a new friend.
Now it is the anniversary of the day I buried Mr Footless.  I am going to a dance workshop weekend.  I feel like I came a thousand miles in three days. 

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