Friday, September 14, 2012

slightly dizzy but still standing

 Dear Aunt Ruth,
It's been a while since I was able to post here.   I have been staying with a friend for the past few weeks.  The past week has been one where I was house sitting her place.  She has a lovely elderly kitty who has accepted me as the dispenser of good things and I am looking at what happens next.
I went back to the house to get another load of things I need to be comfortable.  At that time Mr Footless was still in a state of rage and focusing on his muddled idea that somehow I had drained his bank account and was intent on doing him down.  I brought a friend along to help.  The help asked being her standing around while I grabbed what I needed because she is the most verbally abusive person I have among my friends and Mr Footless is a bit intimidated by her.  I picked up my bike, more clothes, my sock yarn and the computer.  Somehow the fact of having the yarn has been a great stabilizer for my sense of well being.  I have had a lot more calm ever since.
 Mr Footless is still in residence at the house.  He has finally stopped raging and has begun asking what would make it OK for me to move back in.  I am too aware that after the rage comes the sweet talk to yo yo me back in.    He has offered to have me come back with some promises of how I could have exactly what I had before.  I am not interested in that, that's what I walked out on.  I have lost everything I could lose in this situation so I can ask for whatever I want and I know how that works.
 At present I have filled out forms for housing.  The wait lists run from three months to seven years so I need a temporary nest while waiting for a permanent nest.  It is possible that there might be a temporary  place but it is nebulous at present.
 I am praying and doing my best to stay open for all things possible.  I had one piece of inspiration that had nothing to do with anything that I have been struggling with.  The last time I had one like this was during the horrible custody battle and it was the direction to learn to spin.  Well a lot that was wonderful came of that one, including a network of friends and a whole lot of socks.
  I will be following up on this one, it has to do with music, this week following.
I will check in more often, I found a place to post from that is comfortable to use.
give my love to Uncle Jim and Uncle Bill, and ask them to watch out for me.

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