Thursday, September 29, 2011

What to get for someone who doesn't want another thingy

The Footless Man is a romantic.  He likes to give me jewelry.  I wear the same pieces of jewelry constantly.  My neck and ring fingers are in use.  He likes to give me snarky T shirts.  I have too many of them and wear them only on weekends in the summer.  He asked me what I would like to mark our twentieth anniversary because he was stuck.  I thought it over and I told him.  I want a pedicure.  So he gave me a pedicure.  The extra special kind with all the bells and whistles.  My feet have been scrubbed and salted and filed and creamed and massaged. The toenails were filed and primped and painted purple.  They look adorable and I feel pampered and loved.  I can wear it for a month or two, and get another one when this one wears out.  I feel wickedly decadent.  I like it.

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