Thursday, September 1, 2011

That was some grasshopper

Last week I was wondering what might be the result of the grasshopper sacrifice at the grand poo-bahs.
This week I am assessing the results.
Tuesday I got a call from the crew chief telling me that he had two crews loose and could he send them over to begin work at the house.  I OKed it and asked that they call The Footless Man and give him a head's up.  (I also clued them that the door bell is a decoy set up for sales men and Jehovah's witnesses, and that the standard is knock and yell.)
The Footless Man had the time of his life over the next two days supervising three crews.  Over the two days they sealed the main floor attic, removed and replaced our furnace with a new high efficiency one, blew the attic full of insulation, gave us a new thermostat, smoke detectors in every room, a CO detector in the upper hall, blanketed the hot water heater and put insulation around the cement edges of the crawl space.
Pictures will arrive when I get new batteries for the camera.
The new refrigerator is ordered.  The house feels different.  It is quieter, cooler in the heat, more solid.
I realized that over the years I have gained an intimate understanding of the houses innards.  I have been in all the attics. I know where the wires run.  I installed a lot of the plumbing and electric upgrades as well as the cabinets, the dishwasher, and the thermostat. 
I know the difference between a doorbell wire and a thermostat wire, how to light a hot water tank and the mechanics of a toilet.  I can tighten the cables to the TV satellite dish, and change out the outdoor faucet petcocks if I must.
This is a summer that is the beginning/ending of an era.  Michael the cat is gone, Edith has been given to a new owner.  James is moving out.  My responsibilities have begun to disburse.
Come this fall, things will be more stable.  we seem to be getting ready for something.  I wonder what.

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