Monday, February 28, 2011

A week in an alternate universe

Holy cats.  I just spent a week in an alternate universe.
It began a week ago last Friday when I got a call from the Upledger Institute telling me that there was a place for me at the advanced training and that they would offer me a substantial discount on tuition plus time payments.  Furthermore it was going to be in Loveland (theoretically, It was five miles west of there in the mountians) and all I would have to pay was the food fee.  I politely told them that I would call back in 15 minutes with an answer.
In fifteen minutes my responsibilities were taken care of.  All of them.  I went from a week of low client "I-don't-know-what-this-is-about-God" to: "Holy heavens I'm going to something I had given up on, starting Monday."
I can't describe most of what went into the work, My best description is the difference between touch football and full contact football,  This was full contact Cranial work. However there are things that I have been addressing for the last two years that have been affecting my life for the past 45 years.  They have been dealt with and done.  Finished entirely and let go.

See the people in the photo?  Without them I couldn't have done it.  They know the worst things that happened to me and... they love me.  I love them too.  See the smiles?  They had their ugly stuff resolved too.
There is a lot of joy there.  I laughed until my face muscles and my diaphragm were sore.  My diaphragm is sore yet.  I am so happy.  A whole lot changed in a very short amount of time.
I now have a lot of experience with full contact cranial work.  Coming soon to my office.  See you there.

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