Monday, October 4, 2010

And now in other news

I have been neglecting the blog due to being hot, miserable because I was hot, and dealing with some inward stuff that I'm entirely unwilling to talk about here.

Today I am back and heaven help y'all
Due to some family kerfuffle that ended with emergency surgery I want to address  the basic question of when do you call the ambulance.
You call the ambulance if you think that a trip to the emergency room is in order.
  1. If you power in to the E room on your own they automatically put you low on the list.  unless you are actively bleeding, gray, or throw up.  people arriving by Ambulance get first priority.
  2. The ambulance guys know a lot about where to take you.  Some hospitals specialize in some things and if you go in to the E-room and it isn't the hospital that does heart issues and you have one, then they have to load you into an ambulance and take you over to the heart hospital.  Time is of the essence in things like this.   Besides the keystone cops episode of racing around and having the patient at one hospital and the worried family at another one, It makes for a remarkably silly story but it isn't funny at the time.
  3. The family member driving you is not likely to be thinking well because they are worried and scared and trying to get you there as fast as they can.  The EMT's have the original go fast mobile with the bells and whistles plus the training to drive it fast in traffic.
What this all comes down to is that if you need the emergency room the ambulance guys can sort you out and get you there faster and safer so use them if you need them.
If you need medical attention but not really fast go to an urgent care center.  The emergency room will thank you.

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