Sunday, August 15, 2010


Most of the time I am what you could call a good plain cook.  Years of facing random ingredients sometimes in quantity has honed some of my skills.  Among other things I fry a mean hamburger, and I can make a pie crust that would make your heart melt.
Summer is good eating time and I try to eat in season until I am sick of it.  The Footless Man confounds me  a lot by bringing home quantities of something that I wouldn't want even a little of ( chard comes to mind) wherein I feed my compost pile.
The Footless Man came up with a case of peaches and three dozen eggs as his latest addition to our diet  After studying the possibilities for this I ended up enlisting the Swordsman to pit and chunk  them for a crisp.  It turns out that they were the  flat white peaches that taste like a peach flavored cotton ball and don't want to let go of the pit.  A case of not very good peaches is a lot to work with.
The footless man  suggested that maybe I could combine them with the eggs somehow.  OkieDokie.
Peach custard pie.  Doesn't  it sound good?  Peaches, milk, eggs, a touch of sugar, blended up and poured over sliced peaches in a crust. baked for forty minutes.
We let it set overnight.
We tasted.  After a reflective silence we renamed the pie.
Peach Poo pie.
It tastes as good as its name.

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