Thursday, March 6, 2014

Well what on earth is that?

Today I managed to get the flake board in the front yard sawn up and in the dumpster. The flake board was sitting on top of a two by platform and was used in the first part of sorting the mountain of trash, from the mole hill of good stuff when we can tell the trash from the good stuff. It's not always easy to tell.
So I was hauling the boards off and looked down into the two by foundation.... The more I looked the more elaborate it got, and it took a while to really understand it.  I was looking at a mouse estate.

There were three nests, and a whole complex of tunnels and what looked like a couple of store rooms divided up by the foundation boards that kind of set it up with walls or hedges. There under the platform was a fairly large mouse city, or perhaps a village.
It looked a bit like what you find when you turn a rock over and watch the ants frantically haul off the goodies that were under there, only much larger in diameter. I wondered where the mouse colony that was living in the junk on the back patio had got to.
Looks like they moved house into the platform.  I wonder where they will end up now because the platform is next to be leaving.
I hope that it doesn't rain or snow until I can take a picture of it.

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