Sunday, May 27, 2012

Maybe not so bad

Three weeks or so ago Mr Footless went through a three day marathon glucose monitoring session that involved among other things two trips into Greeley.
Then we had a meeting with MS diabetic specialist.  For the first time we felt like someone actually understood the weirdness that has been Mr. Footless's daily struggle with control.  Ms Specialist has named Mr. Footless the hardest to control diabetic she has ever encountered.  Suddenly they are politely asking Mr. Footless what he thinks.
 Does he need more or less at this particular time of day?  As we go along the incredible highs and the crashing lows are beginning to smooth out.  We are sneaking up on the thing and it has been eight weeks since we called 911 for blood sugar.  Mr Footless is less likely to be upset with his sugars and we are getting the afternoon highs down.
Now that we are getting that stable there are other things that need attention, because be he never so stable blood sugar wise, Mr. Footless is still going to be 73.
He is still the Mr. Footless we know so well with all the don't touch my stuff and it's all worth mucho money attitude.  He took a bunch of his good stuff up to the auction and got the itemized list of what sold for what....Oh dear look at that.  Cassette tapes sell for five cents each no matter the artist on the cover.  Who would have thought? 
Well, Me for one. 
I think that I might be able to point out to him that it costs more between gas and my missing work to truck the stuff up than he gets in money for the stuff.
Meanwhile he's having memory problems periodically and life is moving on for both of us.  Another day, another problem.

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