Monday, July 18, 2011

I don't know what to say

Time has come to address the issue of the cabin at Conifer Hill.  I know it, I understand it, I get it.  However.  I also am dealing with the following things. Work and work related issues including sharing my office with two other people,  Bills and finances, Brad and the increasing unstable blood sugar problems.  The heat and my health. refinancing the house and the repairs that will take.  I am tired, tapped out and overwhelmed.
We don't need to do anything until this fall, back off and cool off. of all the things I need to do this one can wait.  We need to get things down and distributed but we don't need to do it now. 
Mom, please don't tell several people that they can have the same things, it causes confusion and discord. 
Boys, please have a think about what would be important for you to have.  nothing there is worth a fight, trust me this is so.  I am thinking about what can be done to make this as fair as possible.  please back up it isn't the end of the world and we have time.
love, Mom

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