Saturday, July 30, 2011

Retro fitting

The process of taking a reasonable but meh piece of clothing and making it fit, removing things that make it look frumpy and generally making it over in your better image.
I have come to the conclusion that the mid summer weeks deserve a wardrobe of their own.  This is a new idea to me, but I come to things slow.
My usual manner of getting a wardrobe begins by taking a tour of a thrift shop.  My usual budget runs about twenty bucks.  Then I take my findings and do whatever needs to be done to make them into things that I would wear.  I like capri pants for summer wear.  I prefer cargo pockets.  Baggy is ok up to a point, the point being looking like I am wearing  clothes that belong to my mom. (she has excellent taste but she is bigger by six sizes)
Shopping in a thrift store means that sizing is as varied as the brands that land there.  I am looking specifically for linen.  It wicks sweat and it does not cling.  I actually found a pair of linen pants that it would be easy to take up around the waist.  It has a cargo pocket and looked like a simple retro fit.  Then I looked at the hems.  Oh holy heavens what designer thought this up?  The bottom of the pants had ruffles.  army green linen pants with ruffles.  Then I found a nice shirt.  Purple is a good color and the tag says XS.  again, right fiber it was linen.  so I get my goodies home.
The pants took about an hour to tighten the elastic, remove the ruffles and shorten and finish them off with a bias band.
I think the extra small was the size of the whale the shirt was supposed to fit.  I looked like I was second hand Rose.  It took three hours to open the seams and get the sleeves off and to cut four inches out of each side.  It took fifteen minutes to resew it all.  next week I visit another store and do it again.  By the mid week in August when the heat breaks, I will have a whole mid summer wardrobe of linen shirts and pants good for the next year.  I can pack it into a box and let it wait until the thermometer hits the ninety's next summer.

Monday, July 18, 2011

I don't know what to say

Time has come to address the issue of the cabin at Conifer Hill.  I know it, I understand it, I get it.  However.  I also am dealing with the following things. Work and work related issues including sharing my office with two other people,  Bills and finances, Brad and the increasing unstable blood sugar problems.  The heat and my health. refinancing the house and the repairs that will take.  I am tired, tapped out and overwhelmed.
We don't need to do anything until this fall, back off and cool off. of all the things I need to do this one can wait.  We need to get things down and distributed but we don't need to do it now. 
Mom, please don't tell several people that they can have the same things, it causes confusion and discord. 
Boys, please have a think about what would be important for you to have.  nothing there is worth a fight, trust me this is so.  I am thinking about what can be done to make this as fair as possible.  please back up it isn't the end of the world and we have time.
love, Mom

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Friday, July 1, 2011

For Michael

Light a candle for Michael
who dive bombed heads and toes
and was mightily plagued by bed mice and laundry lumps

Light a candle for Michael
Who played peck-a-tail with magpies
and tag team chased squirrels with Merry

Light a candle far Michael
who came bearing gifts of snakes and mice
and decorated chairs with feathers

For Michael who slept on James
and followed him,
a shadow in the grass
a tail tip above the seed heads
escorting him out to play.

For Michael who stayed behind 
as his brother and sisters slipped away
who stayed on as his people grew up and moved on
and kept company with the ones left behind.

Light a candle for Michael 
who stayed on with aching hips
and dimming eyes and muffled ears
to love and cuddle and keep company

Light a candle for Michael
sitting at the edge of life
looking into the distance
waiting for the fading night to set him free.