Monday, June 6, 2011

Who is this really?

Yesterday was a culmination day for a project that I suddenly was told to do by Those I will call the Powers That Be shortened to PTB or The PA (public address system). 
one morning early (5:30 to be exact) as I was bumbling along to be with Friday's Child, (whom I stay with on Tuesdays and Fridays from 6 to 2) and thinking about a birthday bike ride and picnic for me and some other like minded ladies.
The PA switched in and informed me that I would be having this on a Sunday after my birthday.  They gave me a specific guest list and told me not only who to invite but what the subject of the meeting would be.  Not only that they told me how to facilitate the meeting.  I posted the invite I wrote earlier here.  As time went on it became obvious that The Powers were in charge, and I was not.  it came together like it was waxed.
Sunday the meeting/gathering/party happened.  It was amazing.  It was delightful.  It was warm and loving and heart felt all the way around.  Everybody came.  We brought delicious food.  We began to connect and to talk and then to laugh.  We have the beginnings of a community.  Now  When Shall We Eight meet again?  soon.  The PTB says so.

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