Monday, February 28, 2011

A week in an alternate universe

Holy cats.  I just spent a week in an alternate universe.
It began a week ago last Friday when I got a call from the Upledger Institute telling me that there was a place for me at the advanced training and that they would offer me a substantial discount on tuition plus time payments.  Furthermore it was going to be in Loveland (theoretically, It was five miles west of there in the mountians) and all I would have to pay was the food fee.  I politely told them that I would call back in 15 minutes with an answer.
In fifteen minutes my responsibilities were taken care of.  All of them.  I went from a week of low client "I-don't-know-what-this-is-about-God" to: "Holy heavens I'm going to something I had given up on, starting Monday."
I can't describe most of what went into the work, My best description is the difference between touch football and full contact football,  This was full contact Cranial work. However there are things that I have been addressing for the last two years that have been affecting my life for the past 45 years.  They have been dealt with and done.  Finished entirely and let go.

See the people in the photo?  Without them I couldn't have done it.  They know the worst things that happened to me and... they love me.  I love them too.  See the smiles?  They had their ugly stuff resolved too.
There is a lot of joy there.  I laughed until my face muscles and my diaphragm were sore.  My diaphragm is sore yet.  I am so happy.  A whole lot changed in a very short amount of time.
I now have a lot of experience with full contact cranial work.  Coming soon to my office.  See you there.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stupid easy

Of late, the footless man has had a lot fewer episodes of insulin shock.  The reason that it is improved is so simple that I feel a bit foolish. 
He isn't getting in so much trouble because he has his phone alarms set to the times that he would sleep right into shock.
We had two alarms set, and he had me help him set up alarm #3 so that he doesn't sleep too late.  Who would have known?   Anyone that used their phone that way. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Well I did it

I just took a huge freaking risk.  I sent sock pairs 19 and 20 off to their respective new wearers.
One of them also got a memory chip with the semi finished manuscript and copies of the cards.  It is in the mail, there is no calling it back.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cranky cranky cranky

Last night The Footless Man and I went out to see The Waymores
Oh, MY.
I needed that almost as much as he did.
I even finished sock pair #20 to add to my happy.
So I went to bed very happy and enjoying the music in my head.
So I really didn't need to be wakened by insulin shock.  At 7AM with Footless being angry, combative and uncooperative.  So one 911 call later He's mostly OK and I am cranky, grumpy and irritable.
I have another card to paint, and .....  OK, now,  It's time to center.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cold Grue

I have made a preliminary sketch for another card.  I am putting it up here because it takes me aback.
Most people didn't see this view.  I saw it way too much.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This is what I am doing.  this is what I will be doing.  This is occupying 7/8 of my frontal lobe so this is what you get right now.
The Hero Returns
So Tell Me Now, Just Who Is The Hero?  Not to the people listening to the story, not us, to the people around them.  “There were two brothers, and then there was Jack.”  The beginning tells us that the hero is not someone held in high esteem in his home country.  He is someone expendable.  His leaving doesn’t rock the boat.  He won’t be missed if he doesn’t come back.  The Hero is someone who doesn’t fit in.
All the reasons that he doesn’t fit in at home become the reasons that he can meet and vanquish his enemy.  Look a little closer at Jack.  He is willing to share what he has with people who are outsiders.  He welcomes people with unusual talents.  He sees the heroing business as a communal task and works well in a group.  He is able to do his job because of these qualities.  At the end of the job Jack goes back to his community carrying the head of the monster. 
On the surface you would think that he would be coming back to a respected place in the community.  Communities don’t work like that.  He left as the outcast.  He will not come back to a respected place because the community doesn’t want to give him the respect he deserves.
If Jack (or whoever he is in the story) doesn’t know this, he finds out soon enough.
No, the real reason he returns to the community is to let them know that the monster is dead. Otherwise he just disappears and nobody knows if he did the job or not. Just telling them wouldn’t be enough though.  So Jack brings back something that the monster could not live without (The head being a favorite part.)  They can look at it and know for sure just what it was that was causing the problem. There’s nothing like two hundred pounds of smelly, fly infested dragon head (or Gorgon for that matter) to pound the point home.
Then Jack Says “sayonara y’all” and heads off with his band of odd ball cronies to live the heroing life.  Terry Pratchett’s character, Cohen the Barbarian is a hilarious take on heroes. After all what does happen after they get to retirement age?  and what happens to barbarian teeth?
The point of the card here is that outcast is outcast and after the triumphal entry with your smelly prize, your best act is to go out where people appreciate your good qualities because nobody at home will.  
Hitting the Wall
The wall is that place where you know that if you continue along in the way that you are going, you will die.  You know it with a clarity that is as cold and hard as a stone wall.  There are no more roads to travel, down that way, and if you proceed you are lost.
It is related to husks and swine, only the message is much stronger and more urgent.
Where the husks and swine message is one of pain and shame, and getting over yourself to change your path, this is a life and death message.  Change or die.

The Hole In The Sidewalk
This is a well known poem by Portia Nelson.
The card signifies the problem that you fall into time and time again.  My commentary is that the reason that we fall continuously into these damn hole is that we go through life backwards like the hero of Kingley’s god awful book The Water Babies.
The hero has to go on a journey walking backwards with the help of a dog that can show him what is coming up by his reactions. 
What a wonderful description of what it is like moving through life.  We can manage on ground that is familiar because we have been there and we see the signals that tell us what is coming up. This is why change can be so difficult.  We don’t know the ground.  If we are lucky someone is with us when we go through needed changes that is a bit ahead and can call out information about the ground where we are going.  The problem as we start out is that we tend not to listen to those who have been along the route because we don’t like what we hear.  Then we fall repeatedly into the same hole and blame everyone but ourselves.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We are busy at present

Crossing Boundaries
There are places and times that no one should be disturbed.
There is information that is private.
 There are people who will disturb you in them every time. Often they have an intimate relationship with us and they may not have our best interests at heart.
Who are your people and what are the places?

The Crucible
A crucible is a porcelain or bone china cup that has been bisque fired but not glazed.  It is used in an assay, which is an effort to find out just how much gold is in the rock that people are mining.  A measured amount of raw ore is ground and mixed with a number of chemicals and the slurry is put into the crucible cup.  Then you apply high heat for a long time.  As the cup and the contents get hot, the impurities are absorbed into the porcelain and all that is left behind is the gold.
In our lives there are times where we end up in the crucible finding out how much gold is in the mix.   Many times the crucible time is a side effect of someone else’s problem.  Cancer is a crucible disease not only for the patient but for the entire family.  There are other diseases and other situations that can create a crucible, job loss and addiction being two of them.  The process of getting well or not and what happens after that can put a lot of people through the crucible process.
Here are some things to know:
No one crawls into the crucible willingly.
Mostly it is visited upon you.  These things tend not to be your fault.
You didn’t ask for it. 
No one has the same experience.
No one does it well.
No one does it “right”
This experience tests you down to the individual moral fibers.  It is a slog.
Your response is yours.
The first crucible time is the worst.
And each time you go through will be different.
When you come out, you will be different.
This is somewhat related to the card of divine tests